Tornado Hits Polish Bus
From the Inquisitor: "Incredible footage of a Tornado hitting a bus in Poland August 15 has surfaced on YouTube, complete with the bus rolling over as the Tornado hits it. It appears too real to be fake, and news reports confirm the tornado in the area at the time."
According to the latest intel...

...Julia Child, along with an intriguing list of others, was a spy! Prop phone indeed!
I so could have come up with a better title for this post.
"The Spy Who Cooked for Me"
"Child. Julia Child"
6 Arms, 6 Arms!

Scientists have discovered that octopuseseses have only two legs. And six arms!!
"A study by scientists at Sea Life centres across Europe found that the invertebrates move across the sea bed using their two rearmost limbs, leaving the other six free for the important business of feeding."
Ta da!
Note: if you encounter the creature to the left (blue ringed octopus) whilst snorkeling off the coast of Australia (HQ of evil venomous things), snorkel away very quickly. Part of the pretty but deadly animal group*.
With a beak that can penetrate a wet-suit, they are one little cute creature to definitely look at BUT Don't touch.
The bite might be painless, but this octopus injects a neuromuscular paralyzing venom. The venom contains some maculotoxin, a poison more violent than any found on land animals. The nerve conduction is blocked and neuromuscular paralysis is followed by death. The victim might be saved if artificial respiration starts before marked cyanosis and hypotension develops. The blue-ringed octopus is the size of a golf ball but its poison is powerful enough to kill an adult human in minutes. There's no known antidote. The only treatment is hours of heart massage and artificial respiration until the poison has worked its way out of your system.
The venom contains tetrodotoxin, which blocks sodium channels and causes motor paralysis and occasionally respiratory failure. Though with fixed dilated pupils, the senses of the patients are often intact. The victims are aware but unable to respond.
Although the painless bite can kill an adult, injuries have only occurred when an octopus has been picked out of its pool and provoked or stepped on.
- Onset of nausea.
- Hazy Vision. ( Within seconds you are blind.)
- Loss of sense of touch, speech and the ability to swallow.
- Within 3 minutes, paralysis sets in and your body goes into respiratory arrest.
The poison is not injected but is contained in the octopus's saliva, which comes from two glands each as big as its brain. Poison from the one is used on its main prey, crabs, and is relatively harmless to humans. Poison from the other gland serves as defense against predators. The blue-ringed octopus either secretes the poison in the vicinity of its prey, waits until it is immobile and then devours it, or it jumps out and envelops the prey in its 8 tentacles (two of which are legs, remember!) and bites it.
In the Newseum

Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski is upset.
Not about prison food.
Not about the politics.
Kaczynskihas writes that a display of the cabin he lived in during his eighteen-year bombing career at the Newseum in Washington goes against his victims' wish to limit further publicity about the case.
"Since the advertisement states that the cabin is 'FROM FBI VAULT,' it is clear that the government is responsible for the public exhibition of the cabin. This has obvious relevance to the victims' objection to publicity connected with the Unabom case."
He never followed the crowd.
“Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter.”
- Bernard Baruch "The Lone Wolf on Wall Street", in response to disputed seating arrangements. (This quotation is often misattributed to Dr. Seuss.)
- Bernard Baruch "The Lone Wolf on Wall Street", in response to disputed seating arrangements. (This quotation is often misattributed to Dr. Seuss.)
Goodbye, Old Chum
Fisherman never die, they just become the one that got away.
Pete Hodge knew that he wanted good things to happen from his passing.
To somehow keep fishing and to remain by his favorite fishing spot.
Becoming fish bait seemed the perfect solution.
After Mr Hodge from Somerset, died last month from terminal motor neurone disease, he was cremated in a coffin made from wicker resembling a fishing basket.
A friend then mixed Mr Hodge's ashes with maize, hemp and soya to create 30lb of ground bait which, when rolled into balls, can be catapulted into the River Huntspill in Somerset, where he had fished for more than 40 years.
His widow Caroline and daughter Sally were the first to propel the bait into the water.
Said Caroline: 'Pete always said that when he died he wanted the fish to gobble him up so he could swim up and down the river after his death. When he got ill a couple of years ago he put it in writing that this was what he wanted. Everything that he wished for was done right down to the last. It was only right for us to carry out his final wishes.'
Pete Hodge knew that he wanted good things to happen from his passing.
To somehow keep fishing and to remain by his favorite fishing spot.
Becoming fish bait seemed the perfect solution.
After Mr Hodge from Somerset, died last month from terminal motor neurone disease, he was cremated in a coffin made from wicker resembling a fishing basket.
A friend then mixed Mr Hodge's ashes with maize, hemp and soya to create 30lb of ground bait which, when rolled into balls, can be catapulted into the River Huntspill in Somerset, where he had fished for more than 40 years.
His widow Caroline and daughter Sally were the first to propel the bait into the water.
Said Caroline: 'Pete always said that when he died he wanted the fish to gobble him up so he could swim up and down the river after his death. When he got ill a couple of years ago he put it in writing that this was what he wanted. Everything that he wished for was done right down to the last. It was only right for us to carry out his final wishes.'
Evie the Eagle Lets No Tennis Ball Go Unfeatched

And, for Alison, 10 Reasons It Would Rule to Date a Unicorn*.
*reason 1 being more than enough...
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