Anocht Oidhche Shamhna! (Happy New Year!) Samhain (pronounced Sow-en) or Samhuinn (also pronounced Sow-en I guess) "was (and is) considered a very magical time, when the dead walk among the living and the veils between past, present and future may be lifted in prophecy and divination." It's also a good candidate for the most important historical holiday in the European pagan calendar.
Tips On How You Can Celebrate:
- Sacred colors are black and orange, use these to decorate your home.
- Light candles in memory of loved ones and place them in the windows of your home.
- Find some quite time to do meditation and invocation of the god or goddess.
- Set a place at your Smahain dinner table for deceased loved ones to be there in spirit.
- Exchange cards, emails, or phone calls with other pagan friends.
- Using tarot cards or rune-stones as a meditation or divination device, look forward to the year ahead.
- Create rituals in which you let go of anything old and embrace the new
Sample Samhain Feast Focusing On The Harvest!
- Appetizer: Samhain Sweet Potato Pumpkin Soup
- Side 1: Sauteed Cabbage with Fennel
- Side 2: Rice with Apple And Raisin Dressing
- Main Dish Option 1: Apple Juice Roast Beef
- Main Dish Option 2: Chicken with Port and Raisins
- Dessert: French Apple Pie With Crumbled Topping
- Beverage: Spiced Red Wine with Brandy and Citrus (make up to 6 weeks ahead)