But what does my Mom do?
From running a day care and working at an animal shelter, my Mom has retired into crossword puzzles, computer games, bad tv (Judge Judy) and collecting vast amounts of fabric to ostensibly make quilts one day. She reads a lot, mostly crime fiction, and does the odd review for CrimeSpree. We're trying to bust her into interviews. I explained that interviews allow you to ask all the questions your brain percolated on as you read favorite books. She thinks she'll give it a shot. Somehow, I don't think they'll have the same spin as the ones her kids churn out.
My Mom cooks, but doesn't enjoy it. I refer to her as a Negligent Cook. Many items have been charred in Mom's kitchen.
She's a news hound, a Survivor fanatic and I'm gently breaking her of the soap opera habit.
She's raised four very individual, stubborn weirdo kids and I owe her a debt of gratitude for allowing me to dream and encouraging all that's gone into making those dreams reality.
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