You can't make that kind of thing up. Well, maybe you can but I can't. My imagination strays more towards mammals with neurotic tendencies.
In Antwerp, Belgium dear Mozart the iguana has had an erection that has lasted for over a week.
Veterinarians at Aquatopia were in a quandary. After much discussion, a solution, the only viable one they could find, was found.
The offending 'appendage' would have to be removed.
Mozart quickly became a media darling due to his... problem. He sat calmly on the shoulders of his keeper as camera crews focused on his red, swollen erection.
It's because Mozart knows something we don't.
Male iguanas have two penises.
There is a spare.
Damn clever design.
"It doesn't bother him. He doesn't know what amputation means," spouts vet Luc Lambrecht when asked if the young iguana is worried about his upcoming separation. He hastily adds that Mozart's sexual prowess should be unaffected by the operation.
"I don't think so. That's all in his head."
UPDATE: It's alive!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just knew all this gene crossing with animals had potential! Where can I get iguana gene splicing?
Having two...would that mean I'd go blind twice as fast?
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