"The gnomes display naked body parts -- the same ones you'd expect to see in a human peep show," Ullrich said of his missing stars.
The adults-only attraction at Dwarf-Park Trusetal, where visitors peep through keyholes to see the saucy German miniatures in compromising poses, was smashed open early on Thursday morning.
Ullrich said he feared the gnomes would not be traced.
"I doubt they're standing in someone's garden, they'll have to have been hidden inside."Or perhaps they chose to escape!

I couldn't find any photos of sexy gnomes, so everyone will have to make due with the following:

Well, I don't know if they count as sexy or not, but there's these guys...
http://p.vtourist.com/703591.jpg(Or http://www.virtualtourist.com/m/44f83/61c47/ if the direct link doesn't work)
And there does seem to be a growing fashion for naughty gnomes: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/05/01/ngnome01.xml
Great Balls of Fire! Rouged up gnomes going the full monty! Not a coy bunch, are they?
Disgusting, you think?
Frankly, I was a little turned on.
Don't tell me, the second from the left giving the 'come hither' over the shoulder glance...
And here I thought you were more the garden fairy type.
The saucy little minx.
He wants it, and he knows it.
I was tempted to use the term 'cheeky' but thought it a bit redundent in the end.
He looks a bit muscular so please,John, drive safely.
It's OK. So long as no one stints on the lube, I'm sure it'll all work out well in the end.
John, I'm signing you up with a dating service for Christmas. It starts with gnomes, and soon you've moved on to trolls and then orges. I fear for you....
"Hi, my name's John, I'm 26, looking for a guy with GSOH, a nice bridge to live under and a large club that he's not afraid to use."
And I'll have more billy goats than I can eat!
Or do other things to...
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