Durex Annual Sex Survey

- Globally, people are having sex an average of 103 times a year with women (106) having sex more frequently than men (101)
- 35-44 year olds are having the most sex (116) compared to just 91 times for the 16-20 age group
- The French (137), Greeks (133) Hungarians and Serbian and Montenegrins (both 131) are having the most sex, while those in Japan (46), Hong Kong and Singapore (both 79) are the least sexually active
To be a young Japanese man is to be a lonely Japanese man.
- While more than a third (35%) have an orgasm every time they have sex, men are far more likely to do so than women - 45% compared to 17%
- More experienced lovers are most likely to have an orgasm every time they have sex with almost half of those in the 35-plus age group (48%) claiming to do so, compared to less than a third (32%) of 16-20 year olds
- Italians are the most likely to reach a climax on every occasion (61%), followed by those in Serbia and Montenegro (56%) and Macedonians (54%)
- More than one in 10 Chinese (11%) have never had an orgasm, followed by the Finns (10%), Indians and Swedes (both 8%)
- A quarter of people have faked an orgasm in the past 12 months - although there is a major difference between the sexes with almost four in 10 women (39%) faking it compared to 17% of men
- The Macedonians and Serbian Montenegrins are the most sexually satisfied with 82% not needing to fake an orgasm, followed by the Croatians, Hungarians and Italians (75%)
Something I just don't get: faking an orgasm. What is the point? If your partner isn't doing the trick, takeover.

- On average, people across the world spend 19.7 minutes on foreplay with men claiming to spend more time than women - 20.2 and 18.8 respectively
- The younger age groups take the longest - 21.6 minutes for 16-20 year olds and 19.1 for 21-24 year olds compared to 17.3 minutes for the over 55's
- The British spend the most time on foreplay (22.5 minutes), followed closely by the Germans (22.2), the Irish (21.8) and the Spanish (21.7)
- The Thais spend the least amount of time (11.5 minutes) followed by those in Hong Kong (14.2) and the Vietnamese (15.2)
I'm left wondering about the quality of foreplay one receives when one's partner is timing the experience.
Stats overload!
After trawling through that lot, I'm shagged out, I don't know about the survey participants.
It's encouraging to see the British in the thick of it...
I'm at a loss for how a man fakes an orgasm.
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