
I Have Returned

...and boy, is every muscle in my body tired.

There was a blackish pile of Jen huddled next to the window on the two flights it took to reach home. My iPod majestically bubbled me from coughing, frat yapping and turbulence as I only occasionally winced when my head smacked into the window during a cloud bust.

My bed is lovely and warm and soon I will leave this swively seat to go there.

I miss my family (lord, what a huge family it is) and I am going through major hug withdrawal. There is never enough time...

More as blood returns to my brain, dear people.

To the right, is me, spiritually.

Below, me in scant minutes.

Your grateful girl.


mybillcrider said...

And congrats on the award for your anthology!

Jen Jordan said...

Thank you so much! Hee!

John M. said...

Welcome back!

John M. said...

Oh yeah, and a be-earlied happy birthday tomorrow ☼