
This day

The best post I've seen on what this day, September 11, has become.

Anyone who is on a crusade in the name of their religion that asks them to kill others of a differing religion, remember - it isn't God or any of the his representatives as you to kill. It is another human being. The people moving the pieces that we all ultimately are on the board are no where near the bullets and bombs.

This day has me remembering every person that has died just to be a number, to make a point, to create a temporary sense of vengeance or winning. Another day that has me questioning why people declare themselves a part of the human race with some sense of pride. I feel shame and horror.


Anonymous said...

No, no. Do not feel shame. Do not feel horror. The day was terrible in its way, but so many, so many, SO MANY raised their hands to help others, lifted them to heal and to calm. Not possible to forget those. Would you not have raised your hands in the same way that day? Then impossible to forget the goodness within the human soul. You carry it inside and everywhere you go.

Jen Jordan said...

Thank you so much. Steven. I get caught up in man's inhumanity to man.

Anonymous said...

Man is doomed...he cannot overcome his pettiness,he is evil,greedy,hateful,selfish,jealous,and all kinds of bad things! There is salvation only for the individual as he finds his own salvation.Yet,I have met a few in my lifetime that are decent....

Anonymous said...

This is the original falling man photo, along with the definitive story: