Afflatus (n)
An inspiration, a creative impulse
"She did not think herself a genius by any means; but when the writing fit came on, she gave herself up to it with entire abandon....The divine afflatus usually lasted a week or two, and then she emerged from her "vortex," hungry, sleepy, cross, or despondent."
--Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
See, the courting the muse is like making a souffle. Sometimes she rises to the occaisional and a magical feast is set for all. But sometimes she falls down on the job, leaves dirty dishes in the sink when it's her wash day you find yourself tripping over her shoes which are all over in the house in some kind of subconscious obstacle course from the depths of the Divine. Yes, she is a fierce roommate.
No man was ever great without a touch of divine afflatus. ~ Cicero
- A Handbook To Literature by William Flint Thrall and Addison Hibbard.
Love it. I think I'll wait for the after-breakfast crowd to work it into a sentence, however. And then perhaps I will be muse-alistically inspired for having done so.
Funny, it almost sounds like something that happens in a crowded elevator with too many stops before a hasty exit.
Instead, I think, it is an utterly private, joyous and magical thing that can't be strived for or cajoled.
Ah, a mental sigh.
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