
I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink

Dropped Jon and Ruth off at the airport pre-sunrise. Because I didn't sleep my tired personality stepped into the spotlight. That would be the manic child that likes to say, "Whooooo!" and tends to look away from the road while driving. As I drove back, the normal me took over. The one that suddenly thinks, "Shit! Did I remember my keys?" Only to finish the thought two seconds later by concluding that I wouldn't be driving unless I'd remembered my keys.

Now I sit in front of Jon and Ruth's computer. I watch the house while they're away to make sure it doesn't change the locks or have wild parties. Watching with me are four sullen cats that during my stay will become addicted to catnip and unhealthy amounts of wet food.

I will be typing on this crap keyboard until I destroy it late one night and buy them a new one.

May not one night.

Maybe not so late.

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