The World Toilet Organization (the site features a forum that is now, sadly, defunct) is the place to go to get your toilet facts straight. Such as the following:
1. An average person visits the toilet 2500 times a year. About 6-8 times a day. You spend about 3 years of your life in the toilet. (or on, if you are so inclined)
2. Poor toilet condition is a worldwide problem. More than half of the world population have no proper sanitation.
3. Suppression of urination due to dirty toilets can lead to kidney and bladder diseases. In order to avoid visiting public toilets, Some people refrain from drinking and suffer dehydration.
4. Most toilets are designed incorrectly.
5. Female takes 3 times longer than male, yet both toilet sizes are often same.
6. Toilet remains as a 'taboo' as people are shy to discuss the subject.
7. There are toilet associations worldwide promoting toilet education and culture.
World Toilet Day is designed to raise recognition of the 2.6 billion people around the world who lack proper sanitation facilities and, according to National Geographic, are, "Forced to discard their excrement in bags, buckets, fields, and ditches."
Last years theme, "Happy Toilet, Healthy Life" had attendees learn about the progressive development and

This year, Delhi, India is hosting and the rest of the world is winging it. Perhaps a meal at one of the Modern Toilet Diners in Taipei, if you care to celebrate? You won't have to drop a load to have a good time and you can think about all those who are bereft of both food and bathroom facilities.
The mayor of Paris is certainly hoping for a little public toilet etiquette edification. Etienne Vanderpooten,a municipal architect who has, for twenty-five years, been working on the problem of men who tend to urinate in public. The solution is an undulating wall that sprays the urine back on the offending peer.
"The jet of pee is rather oblique. If it meets a sloping surface it is sent back to the trousers," says Etienne.
Make sure to visit the Toilet Museum(there is mention of talking urinal cakes).
Did you know there is an in-car toilet available?
Here is a history of the toilet.
Toilets from around the world.
Get some custom printed toilet paper here.
Celebrity toilet shots.
Learn how to care for you toilet at Toiletology 101.
Toilet night lights to help you aim in the dark.
Crochet a toilet paper cover for that special holiday gift!
Take a look at Mr. Toilets bowl of a home.
Pick up some ShitBeGone, 100% recycled toilet paper!
And if you like that, you will love this composting toilet.
If it isn't here, it should be at Toilet Nation.
Now, I have done all I can. May your toilets flush well and may you pee in peace.
Suppression of urination due to dirty toilets can lead to kidney and bladder diseases...
"Good Lord! This man's kidneys have exploded!"
On Behalf of WaterPartners International www.water.org:
KANSAS CITY (November 16, 2007) – The toilet may not be first on your list of celebratory causes. But every year, water and sanitation-related disease kills 1.8 million children – one child every 15 seconds. World Toilet Day, Monday November 19, raises awareness of the more than two billion people without access to basic sanitation in the developing world.
“World Toilet Day brings attention to a hidden, but vital aspect of disease and death in the developing world,” said Gary White, executive director of WaterPartners International (www.water.org), a non-profit that delivers clean water and sanitation systems to the developing world. “There is a huge sanitation and hygiene education crisis, but the problem is not too large to solve.”
Without access to adequate facilities and hygiene education, open spaces or bodies of water become the primary toilet areas. Children are extremely susceptible to viruses and bacteria, but their risk is easily and dramatically reduced with simple, low-cost toilets. WaterPartners works with groups in South Asia, Africa and Central America to provide access to sanitation and hygiene education.
“Providing these valuable, but simple assets to a community greatly impacts not just the overall health, but the standard of living within a community,” said Mrs J. Geetha, head of Gramalaya in Tiruchirapalli, India, one of WaterPartners’ local partner organizations. Geetha is a former recipient of a toilet from Gramalaya. “That is why we’ve been working with WaterPartners to improve the lives of our people and help them build a stable foundation for their children’s futures.”
Gramalaya’s Center for Toilet Technology and Training is believed to be the first of its kind anywhere in the world. WaterPartners helped the Gramalaya organization build the center to teach local villagers how to construct “no cost” toilets with local materials, as well as providing more upscale models for families who can afford them. The center bolsters understanding of the link between sanitation, hygiene and good health through access to education.
· Find out how you can help today by going to www.water.org.
About WaterPartners International:
WaterPartners International is a U.S.-based non-profit organization that provides safe drinking water and sanitation to people in developing countries. Since its inception in 1990, WaterPartners has transformed more than 200 communities in Bangladesh, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Guatemala, India, Kenya, and the Philippines with access to safe water and sanitation. By forging partnerships with carefully-screened partner organizations and offering innovative financing methods through its WaterCredit Initiative, WaterPartners empowers local communities to develop and sustain solutions to their own water needs. Learn more and make a difference at www.water.org.
people neglecting the toilets and usualy dont pay attention to it even if it`s important. Clogged Toilet
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