Music stars and their un-sexy real names:
- David Bowie - David Robert Hayward Stenton Jones
- Eric Clapton - Eric Patrick Clapp
- Alice Cooper - Vincent Damon Furnier
- Dido - Florian Cloud de Bounevialle Armstrong
- Bob Dylan - Robert Alan Zimmerman
- Jewel - Jewel Kilcher
- Mama Cass - Ellen Naomi Cohen
- Marilyn Manson - Brian Warner
- Meat Loaf - Marvin Lee Aday
- George Michael - Yorgos Panayiotou
- Nelly - Carnell Haynes, Jr.
- Lou Reed - Louis Firbank
- Busta Rhymes - Trevor Tahiem Smith
- Cliff Richard - Harry Webb
- Sade - Helen Folasade Adu
- Seal - Henry Olusegun Olumide Samuel
- Gene Simmons - Chaim Witz
- Cat Stevens - Steve Georgiou
- Sly Stone - Sylvester Stewart
- Ice T - Tracy Marrow
- Randy Travis - Randy Bruce Traywick
- Shania Twain - Eileen Regina Edwards
- Frankie Valli - Frank Castelluccio
- Eddie Vedder - Edward Louis Severson
Dog barks around the world:
- English: woof, woof
- Albanian: ham, ham
- Arabic: haw, haw
- Bulgarian: bau, bau
- Danish: vov, vov
- Estonian: auh, auh
- Farsi: vogh, vogh
- Finnish: hau, hau
- French: ouaf, ouaf
- German: wau, wau
- Greek: gav, gav
- Hindi: bho, bho
- Icelandic: voff, voff
- Italian: bau, bau
- Japanese: wan, wan
- Korean: mung, mung
- Latvian: vau, vau
- Mandarin Chinese: wang, wang
- Norwegian: voff, voff
- Polish: hau, hau
- Romanian: ham, ham
- Russian: gav, gav
- Spanish: guau, guau
- Swedish: voff, voff
- Thai: hoang, hoang
- Hodge: Samuel Johnson, British writer and lexicographer
- Selima: Horace Walpole, British writer and historian
- Langbourne: Jeremy Bentham, British writer, reformer, and philosopher
- Old Foss: Edward Lear, British poet and humorist
- Siam: Rutherford B. Hayes, American president
- Appolinaris, Beelzebub, Blatherskaite, Buffalo Bill: Mark Twain, American author
- Bismarck: Florence Nightingale, British nurse
- Cobby: Thomas Hardy, British writer
- Chess, Checkmate: Alexander Alekhine, Russian-French chess player
- Taki: Raymond Chandler, American novelist
- Jellylorum, George Pushdragon: T.S. Eliot, American-born British critic and writer
- Blackie, Jock, Nelson, Tango: Winston Churchill, British politician and writer
- Beppo: Jorge Luis Borges, Argentinian writer
- Gujarat: John Kenneth Galbraith, Canadian-born American economist, writer, and diplomat
- Fuckchop: Trent Reznor, leader, Nine Inch Nails
Latin proverbs:
- Audi alteram partem - "Hear the other side."
- Credo quia absurdum - "I believe it because it is absurd."
- Errare humanum est; perseverare diabolicum - "To err is human; to repeat error is of the devil."
- Ex nihilo nihil fit - "Nothing comes from nothing."
- Festina lente - "Make haste slowly."
- Gutta cavat lapidem - "Constant dropping wears the stone."
- Mundus vult decipi - "The world wants to be deceived."
- Natura non contristur - "Nature isn't sentimental."
- Quem di diligunt, adulescens moritur - "Whom the gods love dies young."
- Video meliora proboque deteriora sequor - "I see the better way and approve it, but I follow the worse way."
The motto of the Addams Family is Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc — "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us."
Illigitimati Non Carborundum.
Noli arrogantium iniurias pati
I love your blog - very versatile. A little something for everyone. Will have to check in on you once in a while!
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