30 artists from around the world installed their work along a 40-mile stretch at the mouth of the Loire River, from Saint-Nazaire to Nantes.
There is a river cruise that will take you down the river to see the whole, magnificent collection. It departs daily from Nantes or Saint-Nazaire.Of note is Dutch artists Florentijn Hofman*'s massive (105-foot-tall, 85-foot-wide)“Canard de bain”.
On his website, the artists reflects on the reactions from the crowds: "A yellow spot on the horizon slowly approaches the coast. People have gathered and watch in amazement as a giant yellow Rubber Duck approaches. The spectators are greeted by the duck, which slowly nods its head. The Rubber Duck knows no frontiers, it doesn't discriminate people and doesn't have a political connotation. The friendly, floating Rubber Duck has healing properties: it can relief mondial tensions as well as define them. The rubber duck is soft, friendly and suitable for all ages!"
The exhibit takes place from 1st June to 1st SeptemberOther participating artists include Anish Kapoor, Atelier Van Lieshout, Erwin Wurm, Martin Ruiz de Azúa, Minerva Cuevas, Los Carpinteros, Tadashi Kawamat, Kinya Maruyama, Tatzu Nishi, Felice Varini, Thomas Lanfranchi, Julius Popp, Jeppe Hein, Thomas McIntosh, Kevin Van Braak, Edwin Van Der Heide, Morgane Tschiember, Dré Wapenaar, Denis Oudendijk, Yan-Pei Ming, Honoré d’O, David Bartex, Daniel Buren - Patrick Bouchain, Concept Plastique, Jean-Luc Courcoult, Marie-Pierre Duquoc, Gilles Ebersolt, Franck Gérard, Fabrice Hyber, Ange Leccia, Bevis Martin - Charlie Youle, Alain Séchas, YKFD.
My heart fills with joy just looking at that giant rubber duck.
Every harbor needs one. If he started manufacturing them, he could be a billionaire.
Awwww... so friendly, so... huge! We need one in OUR canal!
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