

An Irishman in London taking breaks from software development and lawyering has a cyber travelogue of his escapades:

"It all started as an on-line journal recording a journey I took around the world a while ago. Essentially the idea was to save on the cost of postage of all those picture postcards of muddy ravines and doe-eyed children, that I would otherwise have had to send to my family and friends.

The website became more popular than I could have imagined, and now I receive emails from complete strangers complimenting some things that I have written. That is very nice, so please continue! Sometimes people agree with my description, sometimes not, but that's fine. I like a debate. As long as I win. Crushingly.

So I'll keep writing, and archive my articles here, for you to throw things at."

Check out his Gnome Funicular: Scurrying through strange tunnels with the muffin folk

"I was thrown into the river on my seventeenth birthday. There was mud. I had to wash my socks. I survived. When I was five, I was chased up the street by a small, angry dog. I had to both avoid being bitten, and not step on him. How could I have explained squashed dog on my shoe? I survived. I believe I can handle this too."

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