
Near Space Impact

Whether you are take rabid interest in, don't care about or vehemently oppose the work NASA is doing with the space shuttle, think on this. Have you ever taken the time to think about what the emmissions of the space shuttle are doing to the decidedly already odd Flordia enviroment?

Well I have.

And the effect is almost nil. None. Zip. Except for

Noctilucent Clouds

Noctilucent clouds, sometimes called polar mesospheric clouds when observed from space, are too thin to be seen by the naked eye in broad daylight. But when the sun goes down and the moon rises, these clouds shine. Literaly. When the Sun's rays hit them from below the horizon while the lower atmosphere is bathed in darkness there is a glow that can't be matched, even by clouds heavy with volcanic ash. Made up of ice crystals, noctilucent clouds refract and reflect these clouds that form at the edge of space.

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