
a word waiting to be spoken

Walter Mosley writes about the Watts riots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Maybe they know about the million black men and women languishing in prison — overcrowded, bored and hopeless; they know about the millions more who are soon to return to the penal system with its punitive rules and representatives."

Ahem....hmmm...am I to believe that millions of people are languishing in jail are all innocent?

I believe it was Tolstoy that wrote a short story that went something like this:

A King was visiting a prison and speaking with many of the prisoners about why they were in prison. To a man, they protested their innocence, except one. When asked he freely admitted his guilt, and agreed that he deserved to serve out his life in prison. Outraged, the King yelled for the guards, "Guards throw this guilty criminal out onto the street, lest he contaminate all these innocent men!"

I have a get idea about how to stay out of prison....don't commit any crimes that would land you in prison. It is your choice, no matter what has happened to you it is your choice.