
Assholean Behavior

That is what I shall be exhibiting today.

Exhibit #1

I took great cranky girl joy in reading over the list of words most Americans slaughter the pro-nun-see-achun of (hanging participle be damned, once again). One of my pet peeves*: genre. It is not JOHN-ra. It is zhan-ra. Damn, the guy that wrote up the pro-nun-see-achuns may just be crabbier than I am.


Trapped in front of a computer with only my damn self to blame.


The anal retentive lawn wanker across the street is blowing all the grass clippings from his lawn down his driveway into the street. When he's done with this, and if he sticks to protocol, he'll go inside, hitch up one of his dogs and take it for a walk around the wanker compound. Every two minutes, he will swear at the top of his lungs because it's taking the poor dog too long to shit. Performance anxiety? I think so!

*and lets not even try to guess how many there are on this fine Munday


Patrick Shawn Bagley said...

Exhibit #3 is why I live out in the woods.

Jen Jordan said...

Jim, I am a mood monster today. Welcome to the Vent Zone!