Some mamma's are following a new trend; keeping their placentas after birth. The placenta is, in essence, an ephemeral vascular organ that connects a growing mammalian fetus to its mother's uterus.
"Since the placenta is extremely full of nutrients and hormones, lots of times a mother will cook it up and eat it reabsorb the nutrients," Salem midwife Leather Dupris of MoonDragon Birthing Service said. "I've never tried it, but I guess it tastes like liver."
Maternity web sites feature recipes ranging from roast placenta to a placenta smoothie. Seriously! I found one of them! Even onlasagnaasagna! Here it is: LINK!
Dupris retrieved her grandson's placenta from the hospital after he was born. It resides in a solution of alcohol next to the mayonnaise in her refrigerator.
Her grandson is now 15 years old.
"Personally, I don't understand the squeamishness. I think it's a fascinating little thing," she said. "I used to have placentas in my freezer all the time. My husband at the time was a little leery about grabbing anything out of there."
Or serve them on Triscuits after the christening. What kind of wine goes best with placenta?
A dry merlot would be my guess.
How about placenta stuffed tomatoes?
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