
Compost them or eat them, just make sure you keep them.

Some mamma's are following a new trend; keeping their placentas after birth. The placenta is, in essence, an ephemeral vascular organ that connects a growing mammalian fetus to its mother'’s uterus.

"Since the placenta is extremely full of nutrients and hormones, lots of times a mother will cook it up and eat it reabsorb the nutrients," Salem midwife Leather Dupris of MoonDragon Birthing Service said. "“I've never tried it, but I guess it tastes like liver."

Maternity web sites feature recipes ranging from roast placenta to a placenta smoothie. Seriously! I found one of them! Even onlasagnaasagna! Here it is: LINK!

Dupris retrieved her grandson's placenta from the hospital after he was born. It resides in a solution of alcohol next to the mayonnaise in her refrigerator.

Her grandson is now 15 years old.


"“Personally, I don'’t understand the squeamishness. I think it'’s a fascinating little thing," she said. "“I used to have placentas in my freezer all the time. My husband at the time was a little leery about grabbing anything out of there."


Patrick Shawn Bagley said...

Or serve them on Triscuits after the christening. What kind of wine goes best with placenta?

Jen Jordan said...

A dry merlot would be my guess.

How about placenta stuffed tomatoes?