
Mr. Ot-tayer

You've got $25 burning a hole in your pocket. What do you do?

Get drunk (it can be down and down badly for $25)?

Buy a book (to add to your tottering stack)?

Buy a CD (that you get for that one song you heard and discover the rest sucks hoovers)?

Adopt a sea otter.

This little dude is being brushed after being rescued.

Over at Defenders of Wildlife, if you become a sponsor by adopting a sea otter, you save the lives of those crazy otters from oil spills and other evil human stupidity AND you get this cute guy:


Anonymous said...

you did that for me didn't you. that is my new wallpaper.

Jen Jordan said...

Yes, chick. The otter getting groomed was too cute to pass up and I constructed a post around it.

In my mind his name is Kirk and he's doing the otter equivalent of purring.