
Isn't it Rich?

She knew when she woke up on the couch early Monday morning to the beeping of the coffee maker telling the world that it was done brewing, that this would be an odd week. For playing on the radio in her head in the moment just before full wakefulness overtook her:

Stephen Sondheim's "Send in the Clowns."

Later, she was to remark to those watched her day unfold, that she was surprised she hadn't woken up screaming....

UPDATE: The song has switched over to "Dancing Fool," vastly improving the quality of life on Planet Jen.


Anonymous said...

Phil Collins 'I don't care anymore'. Can you tell I am at work?

Jen Jordan said...

Oh, we both know that "Send in the Clowns" sooooooo tops even Phil fucking Collins! Not by much, mind you...