
Jen's Latest Crush


Patrick Shawn Bagley said...

That poor girl looks shellshocked.

Anonymous said...

He's a chick magnet the same way the Earth is an asteroid magnet: smaller bodies just get sucked into his gravitational field if they're unlucky enough to come too close.

Jon The Crime Spree Guy said...

Actually he looks like more of a free buffet magnet.

This is the problem with spending all your time playing computer games and not going out more. I'll bet the couch at home has a large indentation the size of his ass.

Jen Jordan said...

So, I'm sensing a big "no" about my boy cboice. I kinda feel for the "more of me to love" line but there is the faint scent of cheese burgers when ever he stands up... which isn't often.

Patrick Shawn Bagley said...

Hey, I'm fat and even I have to look at this guy and say, "Daaaamn!"

Jen Jordan said...

Well, any none pretty boy who's got the balls to wear that shirt earns a big mark of approval from me. Me likes irony... oh, me does.

Steven said...

Not to criticize, Jen, but i do think you can do better.

On the other hand, I don't know him personally so...