
A little bit softer now

In an attempt to calm myself after an irksome day, I present myself and the world with photos of fuzzy animals with large eyes.

If Billy Idol and a Chihuahua mated

You slipped what into my kibble?

A fistful of cute


JamesO said...

There's nothing quite like a dachshund to cheer the soul.

Wayne Smallman said...

I miss a week or so 'blogging and what happens?

Zillions of posts of one of my fave 'Blogs.

I felt like all three of those strange animals just this past week alone: "You're not takin' me alive, damn you!", "I said 'buy me an orange juice' not 'Brandy and orange juice''" and "Organ failure immanent. Need sleep."

Anonymous said...

How would you like to wake up with that first creature looking at you in the eyes... it resembles Gollum from LOTR for some odd reason..

Jen Jordan said...

If I woke up and that creature(a baby aye-aye) sat on my chest offering me a cup of coffee and a doughnut, I would not turn said creature down.

Unless the doughnut had raw fish filling.

LiVEwiRe said...

I thought that was an aye-aye! Curious critters!