
A News Story out of Scotland that is not without obviousness

Glasgow's diet was healthier in 1405. This should come as no surprise to any that viddied The Gallery of Fried Stuff I featured last December. Those Scots do love their deep fried sugar. And ciggies. And ale.* I especially like the vile photo that accompanies the article:

*all of this taking into account my own Scottish blood. The blood in my veins, not the blood in a jar at the back of the closet.


Wayne Smallman said...

They're having a fair old time of it up north.

They're drinking, smoking and eating themselves into an early grave.

The statistics keep filtering through on the news every now & then and keep dragging the averages down for the NHS...

JamesO said...

It's very sad. There's great Scottish food out there, but for the majority it's sausage, pizza and chips all deep fried. Or white pudding - a mixture of oatmeal and beef dripping held together in a piece of intestine and deep fried. Or mars bars, deep fried.

Which actually makes sound financial sense. You can sell a mars bar for forty pence, but dip it in some batter and plunge it in boiling oil for a few seconds and you can get a pound fifty for it.

Jen Jordan said...

Wrap it in sheep intestine and I think you may really have something.