One whole summer I knew that every storm would knock the power out. A true test of relationships is the survival of sanity with only conversation to entertain you.
From early on, I've learned to love and respect weather. It is a tremendous force of immediate change and can be gentle like a spring shower with the sun streaming through the drops of rain.
I've seen a hundred year old tree yanked out of the ground by a wind shear and seen summers where the sun baked all life out of the ground. I've stood outside with my father watching distant clouds alive with lightning and purple with violence slowly roll towards us.

The storms that are thick in the air today promises loud crashing and that eerie silence followed by the brightest, scariest lightning. It suits my mood.
The song that soundtracks me today from the first eye open this morning til late into the rainy night - Kate Bush; Symphony in Blue

I spent a lot of my time looking at blue,
the colour of my room and my mood,
Blue on the walls, Blue out of my mouth,
The sort of blue between clouds when the sun comes
The sort of blue in those eyes you get hung up about.
When that feeling of meaninglessness, sets in,
Go blowing my mind on God.
The light in the dark with the neon arms,
The meek He seeks, the beast He calms,
The head of the good soul Department.
I see myself suddenly on the piano,
As a melody.
My terrible fear of dying, no longer
Plays with me.
For now I know that I'm needed
For the symphony.
I associate love with Red,
The colour of my heart when she's dead,
Red in my mind when the jealousy flies,
Red in my eyes from the emotional ties.
Manipulation, the danger signs.
The more I think about sex,
The better it gets,
Here we have a purpose in life.
Good for the blood circulation,
Good for releasing the tension,
The root of our reincarnations.
Not meaning to boast, but we’ve been in a ‘Sensual World’ kinda mood today ;}#
You just had to trump my Bush experience! Damn you, MacBride! Damn you!!!!!!!
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