
A Literate

I've got a story up over at Shots, the know it all, photograph it all, be all of UK crime mags.

This story, Punched Out, was born on a long drive from Pennsylvania* to anywhere else. Over tired brains listening to crappy radio laughing maniacally at the concept of murdering someone with office products. Think about it... there are a lot of potentially lethal weapons at hand in a place where people, on the edge after months or years of resentment and backstabbing, can indulge in some office ultra violence.

It took a few years but damned if the story wasn't ripened to fruition.

Unlike my story of murder via petstore wares.

*nothing against Pennsylvania. Now.


Stuart MacBride said...

HA! Loved the story! All those little office revenge fantasies brought to quivering life. If only someone could have been fed into the photocopier...

Anonymous said...

Can't find your email address, so I'll tell you here....

Great story.

Jen Jordan said...

Awwwww, thanks guys.

Don't know why but I seem to write white trash rather well.