
A letter from Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood answers questions about her Unotchit remote book-signing device, starting with the rumor that it's nothing but a hoax.

My two favorite Q&A's:

2. Is signing a book for a reader the same as kissing? If so, don't the two people have to be in the same room? (A concern raised on a popular blog, by a cute-looking author.)

No, actually, book signing is not the same as kissing. In fact it's not remotely like it, though DNA and germs may be shared in both cases. Anyone who thinks these two things are the same is doing one of them improperly.

For such, professional help is available.

And you don't have to be in the same room with a person to have a meaningful exchange. Think of e-mail, and the telephone, and letter writing and other forms of communication.

7. Will getting my book signed by an author in the flesh make me pregnant?

We aren't sure. Ask Neil Gaiman. But we can guarantee that the remote signing device will not have this effect. It's safe! If there are other pertinent questions that haunt your nightmares, the friendly gnomes at Unotchit are willing to answer them. As long as they aren't about kissing.

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