
News Flashes

Chagrinned emergency officials in Sydney are investigating allegations that a fire station was unable to respond to an alarm because a fireman had taken the station's only fire truck to pick up a pizza and give some friends a joyride.

The Yuma County Board of Supervisors is considering a request to have a Colorado River rock formation officially named after Sammie, a deceased golden retriever.

Police in Stockholm, Sweden used dental records to identify a man who broke into a cafeteria. The suspect left his false teeth with his social security number engraved in them at the scene of the crime.

A Polish cardinal has ruled himself out of electing Roman Catholicism's next pope. It seems he is 5 years older than the age given in Vatican documents and therefore beyond the maximum voting age of 80.

A budding cyber romance between a Jordanian man and woman turned into an ugly public divorce when the couple found out that they were, in fact, already man and wife.

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