
Windows XP

Sucks. I've been happily working on Windows 98 for years, escaping most viruses and the like. The new computer forced a change - a change I dislike intensely. I believe that's usually called hate.

XP is the slowest, most incompatible, moody, operating system on the planet. Ever.

It's effect on my browser is noted and despised.

I am now assembling a Bill Gates voo-doo doll and will insert a pin for any that ask.

By the makers of Gayopoly.


Matt said...

Considering switching to Firefox if you haven't done so already. That will help limit the amount of spyware and adware that you pick up with IE.

Just Somebody said...

Another vote for Firefox here - can't say I've used IE in anger for about 6-8 months now.

Ad blocking, phishing killing, popup stopping, RSS support, tabbed browsing - thats just tip of the iceberg stuff too.

After bothering to type this it would be just so funny if you were running it already.....

Jen Jordan said...

I'm on Firefox and I love it.

It's got to be the Celeron. Damn, damn, damn!

Anonymous said...

Crank up the PC memory to as high as it will take / you can afford.

It is the most cost effective way to increase performance.

A minimum of 512Mb, but more is better. Less than 512Mb and your disk will just thrash.

Also, if your disk is partitioned, make sure you keep a lot of free space on "C:". At least 2 Gb, but more is better.

If you have XP Pro, try shutting off non-essential services. If you have anti-virus (if not, why not?) try selectively removing some file types from the automatic scan (e.g. you don't really need to scan BMP files).

Finally, use Firefox. Slower to start up than IE, but nicer and quicker to use.

