
Garage Jumping Idiocy Promotes Florida Lawsuit

Teenager Tim Bargfrede was following friends when he attempted to garage jump from the roof of a building to a garage that were 80 feet up. He did not make it. Bargfrede fell six stories and was knocked unconscious on impact.

"I just didn't make it," Bargfrede said.

"He (Bargfrede) is not the first person, he is not the second person, there have been four or five other individuals before him that did this," family's attorney Vincent D'Assaro said.
D'Assaro is, of course, filing a lawsuit against the city of Orlando and the private garage owner.

"There was a very, very short length of fence that was completely ineffective in preventing this from happening," D'Assaro said. And it seems common sense is also wildly ineffective.

Since Bargfrede fell, the City of Orlando has erected a partial fence. But there's still room for idiots to take a dangerous dive. The family says that's not good enough and that both garages need to take responsibility before a garage jumper loses his life. I say this is where Darwin's Law of Survival of the Fittest comes into play. Those teenage boys disinclined to jumping off high buildings when they're bored will survive to propagate.


John Schramm said...

Where were the parents?

Jon The Crime Spree Guy said...

It doesn't matter where the parents are. These are teenagers, they should know better. When I was a teenager I was allowed out of the house without parents.

And I never did anything that stupid.

The lawyer should lose his liscence to practice for bringing up a frivolous lawsuit.

Sueing people on behalf of an idiot need is so bullshit.

I hate some lawyers.

John Schramm said...

Jon: Maybe I should have said, "Where were the parents before these morons became teenagers?" The point is, someone is responsible for them becoming morons.

Anonymous said...

The partents need to be sued for raising such a stupid kid and inflicting him on society. The garages should also sue the parents for the cost of having to install fences, clean up of the blood and squish, emotinal damage to the parking attendents and dammaging the reputation of the garages.

John Schramm said...

Works for me, however, I am pretty sure the parents aren't exactly wealthy.