
Spring has Sproinged!

This is a difficult time of year for me. The endless gray skies and white covered earth get to me. Restless, bored and a fringe malcontent, I become unbearable to be around. Really.

In my efforts to stave off the cabin fever I dye my hair odd colors, re-arrange rooms in the middle of the night, paint things, clean things, throw lots of things away, put new templates on my blog, throw out a book I've been writing for a year and I read a lot of non-fiction about people lives that really suck in order to give myself some perspective.

But, lo, to my amazement and joy, what happens this week after the spring that happened in name only? It's warm. And there's sun.

Creeping outside, not quite believing it, I see tulip leaves breaking through the crusty snow.


As I bend to look down and give a pep talk to the wondrous fronds I feel the sun on my back as birds chase each other in the beginnings of their mating cycle and songs of running water from snow melt off fill my ears.

Spring is here!

It's 51 degrees (10 degrees C) and the snow is slowly being beaten back by an unrelenting sun.

The ground is no longer frozen solid. It is now pure muck!


I await buds on the trees and crocus flowers. I'll be able to open windows and doors, airing the house of it's winter fart covered by odd sprayed chemicals smell. The urge to shave my head is dissipating.

In a few months, I'll hear lawn mowers and that freak next door with the leaf blowers chasing stray blades from his driveway - at 10 at night. I'm surprised he doesn't take a level to the lawn.

All this drama every year over a few pomegranate seeds. Think about it!


Jen Jordan said...

Oh,I think I did it!

I think I fixed the HTML!


I deleted dear Carp's comment by boo-boo, but I fixed the damn code!

All Hail the power of perseverence!

Jen Jordan said...

Oh, nope. Not yet.

Double damn.

Time for bed. HTML can what til morn and a full cup of coffee.