
I is not drunk, sosiffer.

"I don't think alcohol alone would make you do something as disgusting as that," said South Simcoe Police Insp. Tom McDonald, a twenty-eight year veteran of the force. "I've never heard of anything like this before," .

I bet I've got your attention now!

An unnamed man, let's call him Stupid, was arrested Sunday after his Ford pickup was pulled over on a highway just outside Barrie, Ontario. The cops on the scene loaded Stupid into a cruiser and took him to a police station for testing.

En route, Sgt. James Buchanan reported Stupid vomited, urinated and defecated in the rear of the squad car.

Upon Stupid's momentous and much lauded arrival at the station, the desperately drunk man grabbed a handful of his own waste "and placed it in his mouth, attempting to trick the breathalyser machine."

It didn't work.

The machine registered two readings of intoxication more than twice the legal limit. Stupid was headed for lock up after paramedics checked him out and cleaned him up.

McDonald then headed back to his cruiser which took two hours to clean using industrial cleansers.

1 comment:

Wayne Smallman said...

I have to agree with Police Insp. Tom McDonald.

I think you have to be a special kind of person to want to eat your own mess.

If a person is capable of that kind of thing, what else might he be capable of?

I wonder...