
Strongest Movie Images from my Childhood.

Cool Hand Luke's giant egg belly

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Chief smothers McMurphy then busts out

The Great Escape tunnel system and Hilts gets caught in the barbed wire


John Schramm said...

Cuckoo's Nest stuck with me, too, but I got more stuck on when they dumped McMurphy back in his bed afterward. Right before Cheif smothers him.

The other would be Quint's demise in Jaws. Nasty!

Jen Jordan said...

That was an excellent death.

When Sonny was shot about a million times in the Godfather and Bonnie and Clyde's bullet-ridden demise in the movie of the same name are also up there.

John Schramm said...

Sonny's death was classic as well. Especially when he gets out of the car and does that yell right before he falls. That stuck with me more than the horse head.

Dave White said...

Great post. A movie image from my childhood is probably Bond in Goldfinger nearly getting lasered, but that was on VHS, not a true movie... Goldfinger was before my time.

Just Somebody said...

Cuckoo's nest - man, that's a film and a half....still. It just doesn't date somehow.

I was trying to think about "childhood memories" film wise. Not that easy when I've watched soooo many films since.

Empire Strikes Back - "Saturn5" as the 'bonus' film beforehand and buying a programme in the foyer. Why the hell don't they still do that and why the hell didn't I keep it safe and retire on the profits.

Zulu on the big screen - too long for a kid my age and I fell asleep before all the fighting at the end. Only ever enjoyed the full thing years later.

Fantasia - when you're a kid and the screens so big in front of you with just *so* much colour....that's some trip.

Jen Jordan said...

When Star Wars came out I went with my mom and sister. My mom sat between us and as the pre-story goes flying across the screen she's reading the whole thing to my sister. Every minute or so my sister would say,
"You know I can read, mom."

Didn't stop mom.

Fantasia - I made a point of going to see it while I was schruming. Fell dead asleep in fifteen minutes.