
A Lacrimation of Lemurs

Victor, Victor, Victor, you just don't understand the nature of lemurs. They are quite saddened by your psychotic shenanigans. Yes, much lacrimation has taken place amongst the normally jovial and gregarious primates. And only you, Victor, can put a stop to this pointless lacrimating. Tito, get me a tissue... (sniff).

How many people thought I was mentioning the actual name for a group of lemurs? Having only seen them referred to as 'a group of lemurs', I officially have no clue. But, I do know that they are considered prosimians and that they have trichromatic vision!!!


Jen Jordan said...

Benedictus? or maybe, maybe Communio - Lux aeterna. Real sense of closure done with full benefit of drama and orchestration.

I got more of Morrisey thing of our little friend.

I don't know how Vic could keep blastin' lemurs after seeing that teary-eyed primate in the photo. They're reaching out to you Vic! They want an accord - they want safe passage!

Dude, heat up your coffee before drinkin' it - it'll make ya less dotty.

Mystery Dawg said...

Lemurs? Lacrimation? where in the hell is my dictionary?
I wonder what Victor has been adding to his morning coffee?

I see that Jeffrey Haidel, son of the Undersherriff of Orange County tried to explain to the judge that eating Indian curry type food can give a false blood alcohol level. I wonder if this is true for Lemurs too?

Jen Jordan said...

I didn't know lemurs were inclined towards eating curry.


More coffee...

Anonymous said...

Please do not be taken in by the Lemur propaganda. Lemurs were responsible for black hawk down and the cancellation of the original Star Trek series. And they never take shapping carts back to the cart round-up, prefering instead to block a parking space. You've been warned.

Victor Gischler

Jen Jordan said...

I you sure it wasn't all just aye-ayes with lemur suits on? Aye-ayes are tricky? Don't let the nose picking fool you!