
Spanning the Globe...

... to bring you the very best in the world of apologies - from the Thrill of Victory to the Agony of Defeat.

There is site dedicated to those who feel the utmost, sincere and oft-times kooky sadness about the recent election and how it will effect the world. They've come together, united at last, to apologize in the only way they now how. And, great Odin, there are a lot of them!

The group of folks at Sorry Everybody feel they have good reason for the inception of this site:

Most people who think carefully understand that Americans are not really any more jingoistic or xenophobic than people in other countries, but it never hurts to reinforce, especially considering what happened on November 2nd, 2004. What must it have looked like to the world outside our borders? America proudly re-appointed her reckless, incompetent and corrupt government. How much of America? Fifty-two percent. The rest of us are aghast and dismayed.

Lots of fuss is made about the “global village.” The Internet was supposed to make communication between cultures, countries and peoples painless and easy. It was supposed to build bridges. But it doesn't do this automatically; somebody has to reach out. The Internet was supposed to lead to education and understanding. It doesn't. Rarely do people on the internet apologize. I thought it was high time. The world needs to understand that there are people in America who don't like what our government is doing. And from the mail we're receiving, there are people in the international community who appreciate this.

Also, come on, it's kind of amusing.

When asked if they are ashamed to be American: No. Are you ashamed to be a human?

Well, at times. But I'm working on it...

Thanks to Olen and his Mom for the link...


Mystery Dawg said...

Very funny! Maybe I should add a pic of me for always being behind on my deadlines.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Aldo, this comment came in much too late.
