
World's Worst Blog on Bad Beer and Bar Nuts

Victor Gischler, in an effort to detract more readers, has done an interview with Nebraska's own Noir God, Sean Doolittle. Many important questions were discussed, including the following:

2. What's the biggest sandwich you've ever built? What was on it?

SD: Three-foot sub. Sort of a multi-cheese World Meat combination on French
Loaf with Ragu sauce for flavortaste. I remember it didn't keep very
UPDATE: When asked what 'World Meat' consisted of, Mr. Doolittle clarified,
All the meat in the world, of course : )
It tasted better in theory.
Theoretical tasting is always rhetorically better, somehow.

4. How did you get so good so fast at video golf, you bastard?

SD: I finally took a lesson. Shaved twelve strokes off my game. I can give you the guy's name, he's a magician.

7. Yippetty-doo-dah-whammy! How about that?

SD: Sorry, but I have to disagree with you there.

As would any sane person.
Doolittle, able to garner strength from didgeridoo playing, thwarting computer programming knavery and sitting in a very comfy chair, met Gischler's efforts with cunning, patience and patience, sending the brilliant but depraved author off in a huff, muttering something about lemurs and peanut butter.

Fortunately, the intrepid Doolittle,one of the best and tallest writers to grace my bookshelves in quite a while, overcame the Gischler's nonsensical questions to let all sandwich makers know how to finally make that ultimate Bumpstead.

Get a taste of Doolittle's writing from the link below:
Nebraska Noir


Anonymous said...

My questions were *not* nonsensical and also purple monkey dishwasher.

Victor Gischler

Jen Jordan said...


Well, jiggling bladder lamps!!!!