
Micro Brew Label

This is a vision of the label of my favorite beer, Tsingtao (pronounced "ching-dow"), under the microscope.

I discovered the wonder of this brew whilst full on suffering from having two wisdom teeth extracted. I had a dry socket in one and the pain went beyond what a bright pink pill could handle.

For a day I went without meds and sat at a friend's Dad's house, holding my jaw and growling. My friend asked if he had anything for the pain (the Dad in question is a Doctor).

He pulled out a bottle of Tsingtao and set it before me.

"It will help with the pain and we're having Chinese tonight."

He's very alcohol/food matchy matchy.

I drank down the beer and in a short time, my pain had dissipated to the point of allowing me to smile.

"That was better than Darvocet!"

I drooled.

And he got me another.

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