

The UCAWWW is calling for a ban of the internet in all American homes:

"We, the members of UCAWWW, petition that the Internet (World Wide Web) creates nothing but harm in society today. The Internet is a cause for addiction and sin while taking away traditional family values. Our children are being exposed to filth that causes sexual tendencies and drug addiction. We therefore, demand that the internet be permanently banned from American homes. We MUST restore faith in God and steer clear of the devil!"

This petition is available online. It was created/written by Gladis Haralski who has a hotmail address.

SOOoooooooo, the irony is lost on no one at this point, right?


Anonymous said...

All I had to do was read the top part of this to know it was a cristian group. Were did all the sane cristians go? Are they afraid to say anything because the insane (evangelical) ones will rip them to shreads?

John Rickards said...

I loathe the way the internet causes sexual tendencies to.

I didn't have any before I first got online. Completely asexual.

Jen Jordan said...

You're right.

You are sane.

That's a new thing here.