
Avatar Defined for Young Dianne

Dianne and I did our big Christmas shop yesterday and she questioned what an avatar is. I found the definition easily online but it's use culturely is broad and odd. If anyone has definitions to add, please feel free. Studying Buddhism has not made me an expert on anything. Which is kind of the point.

BTW, young Dianne is my sis and when we're in our eighties I will still refer to her as young Dianne. Annoying, isn't it?

Main Entry: av·a·tar
Pronunciation: 'a-v&-"tär
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit avatAra descent, from avatarati he descends, from ava- away + tarati he crosses over -- more at UKASE, THROUGH
1 : the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu)
2 a : an incarnation in human form b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person
3 : a variant phase or version of a continuing basic entity

Also referred to extensively in gaming, renaissance faires and Japanese anime.


Anonymous said...

So define this then. In the dream responsible for my needing a good definition of avatar I was with a group of criminals with lots of car bit and running away and ended up in a Lord of the Rings type quest with someone claiming to be avatar. This is an abriviated version obviously. I don't know if avatar was going to teach me anything or not because my cat woke me up GRRR

Anonymous said...

It's quite simple. You subconsciencely feel a strong desire to own a vehicle, no mater what the consequenses are. You also want to use this ride to either get or at least see the third Lord Of The ings movie this weekend.

I wouold suggest, a) look into a car deal, b) go to your brothers house to see the movie, and c) close the door when sleeping.
