
Bad Sex Award!

Oh, if I could be inside the minds of many of you when you read that title... Um, maybe not. Moving on to the meat of the matter, Tom Wolfe has won a literary prize! Poor Tom. I AM CHARLOTTE SIMMONS is the dubious winner of the Bad Sex Writing Prize reports the AZ Central.

Judges said the book's sex scenes were "ghastly ... inept ..(and) unrealistic."

The Bad Sex prize, in its 12th year, is intended to "draw attention to the crude, tasteless, often perfunctory use of redundant passages of sexual description in the modern novel," its judges say.

What an odd task... and what is the criteria? What expressions must these judges make whilst judging! And do they take notes? And lastly, on a personal level, I would much rather be crude than perfunctory or (gasp!) inept.


Matt said...

I'm sure the judges are looking for realism. If they can't duplicate the scenes described, then they must judge accordingly.

John Rickards said...

Well, seeing as the sample given is...

"Slither slither slither slither went the tongue," one of his winning sentences begins.

"But the hand that was what she tried to concentrate on, the hand, since it has the entire terrain of her torso to explore and not just the otorhinolaryngological caverns -- oh God, it was not just at the border where the flesh of the breast joins the pectoral sheath of the chest -- no, the hand was cupping her entire right -- Now!"

I'd say it was well-deserved. :-D

Jen Jordan said...

Heh heh heh, you said otorhinolaryngological caverns, heh heh heh.

I've reached a new low. Pectoral sheath, indeed. Anatomically correct descriptions always get my motor running.

Matt said...

Reading a good sex scene shouldn't require the use of a dictionary.

Jen Jordan said...

One shouldn't have one's hands free for the page turning.