
A Day in the Life of a ______

Fill in the blank.

Unable to summarize my mood in a single word, I look to the people around me for help.

Web-based email gone/down/wormholed.

Ankle with Achilles tendonititis more swollen and painful than before treatment and therefore on the verge of being casted for eight weeks. In the middle of winter.

Flu. The 'move my eyeballs and the world begins to wobble like warm jello' flu. The 'I have the energy of a dehydrated frog' flu. The 'I'm so out of it I was an hour into a movie before I realized I was watching it' flu.
I so enjoy proneness.

Barely able to hold my big head up for sustained periods of time, I find myself deluged with creativity. Copious notes being taken in very bad handwriting for the lucid moments translation. All of this sans grammar.

I LOVE Diet Coke.

I can hear my fingernails grow.

I constantly smell popcorn yet no popcorn exists in this tiny flu universe.

I think the words 'frommage' and 'crankshaft' are hysterical. Oh, and 'bubble'.

I have lost the ability to pronounce th sounds.


Jen Jordan said...

Gurgle is funny, too.


Say it!

It's funny!

Just Somebody said...

I've no idea what your taste in food is but you may be surprised at my latest blog post - it's flu related too but with an idea to fight back.

Seems my joke about linking to Ray's blog when he was struck down is truer than I thought, though !!

Let me know if the medical meal works for you......

John Schramm said...

Poor, poor Jen. Hope you start feeling better soon.

Jen Jordan said...

Jim - As I have not become an Evangelical Christian, the answer would have to be no. Thank God.

Jen Jordan said...

And nobody filled in the __________.

Say bonobo.

It's funny!

Say it!

Anonymous said...

No one filled in the blank because there are to many options. You love Diet coke right now because it's probably the only thing that can get the fuzz off your teeth. I've never had the Warm Jello Flu you talking about, but I do go to Marshmallow land. Everytime you move it feels like you're bouncing off Marchmallows. I also often make the jump to light speed, which is when you stand up, get a head rush and see stars and are forced back into you chair.