
Important Safety Advice; Field Tested; Part II

Do NOT, EVER put the word YUCK in the Google Image Search. I really can't emphasis this more strongly.


Anonymous said...

I think you should explictly state when things are inappropriate for work. Just saying it's yucky does't state clearly enough that Jesus Crist that is fucking gross. And vulgar. Whew

Michael said...

What possessed you to try it in the first place? More to the point, what possessed me to follow in your footsteps?

Jen Jordan said...

In all innocence, I was trying to find a good pic for my 2004 yuck list. Yuck seemed like such an innocuous word to enter - a lesser evil that the words vile, gross, disgusting or foul could be. Or so I thought!

As for following the link: how could you not? It was a hidden dare. And was I not right? Should you not have done it? My poor sister followed the link at work and had to hastily shrink the screen before anyone saw anything. Frankly, the first image is all that is needed to make one wince and madly click the back button with the mouse.

Michael said...

Oh, hey...and I didn't even try 'vile' or 'gross' yet...