
That's Colder!

TORONTO (Reuters) - Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, already taking heat for accidentally faxing customers' financial information to a U.S. scrapyard, apologized on Wednesday after one of its cash machines dispensed fake money.

Instead of distributing C$20 bills, the machine, located in the Maritime province of New Brunswick, spat out colorful bills used as incentives at Canadian Tire Corp. hardware stores.

There goes my bank account!


John Schramm said...

I worked for a bank where this actually happened.

The ladies were testing the ATM and used a loader filled with old withdrawl slips instead of tewnties, but they forgot to take the loader with the slips out and replace it with a loader containing twenties.

To make matters worse, it was a prom weekend, and all the kids got withdrawl slips instead of cash AND had their account balanced debitted.

The manager said he knew something was wrong when he pulled up Monday morning and there was a crowd gathered in from of the bank.

John Schramm said...

Another funny thing that happened at that bank was when we bought another bank, one of the tellers accidentally entered a telephone number in an amount field and ended the day with her drawer $7,000,000 short. The technical team couldn't reverse it that night, so it posted. Now it was eventually corrected, but the manager had to live down having the single largest day's outage for an of eternity. Or until he left to go to another bank.

John Schramm said...
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Jen Jordan said...

As a banker, I can't imagine much worse than showing up for work and seeing a mob of people...

John Schramm said...

Well, Doug (the manager) said that the mob was easier to resolve by replacing the cash and aplogizing, but the $7,000,000 shortage went down in banking history. And he never lived it down.