
Did Satan make them do it?

Daniel Romano, assaulted with a metal club by two teenagers, has prompted hate crime charges to be filed. There is now an active debate as to whether Romano is simply a Goth, and the hate crime charges are bogus, or if he was truly persecuted for his religious beliefs.

"My allegiance is to Satan and I hate Christianity, Judaism and Islam, but I don't hurt anyone," Mr. Romano said. "I take out my anger in mosh pits and S-and-M clubs. I think it's ironic that the Christians got violent with the Satanist."


Anonymous said...

Why should it matter which he is. Neither one of those is a valid reason to beat the crap out of someone

Jen Jordan said...

But it is the difference between whether it is a hate crime or not.

HAte crime carry stiffer penalties.

Anonymous said...

What does it matter if they hated him for the way he dressed or what he belives Hate is Hate

Jen Jordan said...

Because hating someone for their reilgious beliefs is considered more fundamentaly wrong from a constituational and judicial standpoint.