
Beauty and the Beast - Slate Style

I've noticed this. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. That isn't arrogrance on my part. My sister has bitched about with raised voice and gesticulations of displeasure.

Why are fat sitcom husbands paired with great-looking wives?

And in ads as well!

Oh, and if you go to that link, ignore the Dr. Phil weight loss ad on the bottom. He's high on my list of faux celebrities making money off of confused Americans. And believe me, there are a lot of us, um... them!


Michael said...

1. It's an insidious plot by fat, couch-potato guys to get all the beautiful women to themselves.

2. It's an insidious plot by smart women to make fat, couch-potato guys go after big-haired idiots, thereby leaving them free to carry out their plan for WORLD DOMINATION.

3. It's an insidious plot by network executives, who know their job. Sitcoms like the ones mentioned in the article are, to ignorant, culture-junkie morons, like cheesburgers to...well...fat, couch-potato sitcom husbands with great-looking wives. It's a winning formula, for reasons that would require an essay I'm not prepared to write. Or at least, I'm not prepared to write it right now.

Anonymous said...

This goes with my bitch about an unfair ratio of good looking women to good looking men. Also with the bitch about more half naked women than half naked men. So basicaly there need to be more good looking half naked men on TV. Going on this theme the Sports ill swimsuit show has big ratings. Where are the naked men

Jen Jordan said...

They're in the attic.

They can't get out.