
Put 'em Up!

Digging up stuff in the Onion's archives, I pulled out a plum. The Onion asked 35 'celebrities' who they could take in a fight. Here's a smattering of responses:

The Onion: Who could you take in a fight?

Micky Dolenz: You mean, bring with me to a fight?

O: No, who could you beat up?

MD: [Laughs.] Uh, specifically a name?

O: Yeah, a person in particular. Who do you think you could take?

MD: Well, probably just about anybody, 'cause I'm armed.

Billy Connolly: Who could I take down? Oh, Robin Williams.

O: Robin Williams?

BC: Oh, easy, yeah. I nearly had him last night. They pulled me off him. I nearly socked him on an' away off. Little bastard and his fucking woolly hat. Who does he think he is? As a matter of fact, if he wasn't flying me to L.A. today in his plane, I would have done it. [Connolly and Williams were appearing together at the U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen. —ed.] I would have fucking had him. If it was my plane, I would have belted him. I just don't happen to have a plane.

Matthew Sweet: [Laughs.] Gee, that's a hard one to answer. I don't know exactly what the angle is. Who could I take in a fight? Anyone I was angry enough at to really want to. But I'm a lover, not a fighter.

Seth Green: [Laughs.] Um, Warwick Davis. He's the guy in Willow, and he played Wicket the Ewok. I'll kick his fuckin' ass. I'll throw him down a fuckin' flight of stairs. I'll grab him by the ankles and shake him out on a fuckin' concrete stairs like an Oriental rug. [Laughs.] I used to think I could take Gary Coleman until he beat up that lady.

O: He's like a security guard or something, so he's probably got training.

SG: Right, and I saw that chick. She was big, and he kicked her ass. So now I'm not as sure. I used to think he was the one. [Pauses, laughs.] Warwick Davis is such a good answer, man. [Laughs.] I'll fight the fuck out of Warwick Davis.

Alice Cooper: Um, you'd be surprised. Me, probably not anybody. But Alice is not afraid of anybody. I would take Alice into a biker bar and let him walk in and stare around, and I don't think anyone would hassle him. Myself, I was a track runner. I was a good miler and two-miler. I could outrun just about anybody. [Laughs.] But I think one of the reasons I created Alice was to do my fighting for me. And I'm pretty sure I could take Donny Osmond.

George Carlin: Uh, let's see... Probably Lauren Bacall.


Anonymous said...

The "I'm a lover not a fighter" comment just makes me want to see Micheal Jackson beat up Mathew Sweet.

Jon The Crime Spree Guy said...

That comment makes me want to beat up both of them.

And I think I could take Lauren Bacall too.